Theses Status

Methodology of rapid Evaluation of CAPEX and OPEX of techno-logies under development. Integration of a prelimilnary LCA tool, and of an objective function for most appropriate site locations identifications.

Mirela Tsagkari.

Completed Doctoral (PhD)

Integrated Computational Systems of Synthesis, Redesign and Utilization of Biomass.

Marinella Tsakalova.

Completed Doctoral (PhD)

Semantically-enabled optimization for the process synthesis of chemical reactors, 2009 (Jacobs Engineering, UK)

Claudia Labrador-Darder.

Completed Doctoral (PhD)

Cascade optimization algorithms for distributed computing, 2009 (Assistant Professor, South China University of Technology, China)

Siyu Yang.

Completed Doctoral (PhD)

Design and control of high-throughput synthesis and optimization experiments using grids and distributed computing architectures, 2009 (Project Manager, China HuanQiu Contracting & Engineering Corp. (HQCEC), China)

Du Du.

Completed Doctoral (PhD)

Optimal design and operation of oil exploration platforms, 2008 (Managing Director, EnergOil Consulting Ltd, UK)

Richard Barnes.

Completed Doctoral (PhD)

High throughput experimentation for chemical reactor design, 2007 (Jacobs Engineering, UK)

Daniel Montoglio.

Completed Doctoral (PhD)

Dynamic agent-enabled management of project development and engineering. 2005 (Research Associate, UCL)

Elaine Gao.

Completed Doctoral (PhD)

Dynamic maintenance and support of ontology-based knowledge, 2006 (Accenture, UK)

Alexandros Kourakis.

Completed Doctoral (PhD)

High throughput experimentation for chemical reactor design, 2007 (Jacobs Engineering, UK)

Daniel Montoglio.

Completed Doctoral (PhD)

On the development of knowledge-driven optimization methods – application to complex reactor network synthesis, 2004 (Parsons, Australia)

Victoria Ashley.

Completed Doctoral (PhD)

On the integrated solvent design and process synthesis, 2004 (Senior Researcher, CPERI, Greece)

Athanasios Papadopoulos.

Completed Doctoral (PhD)

Design of gas permeation membrane systems, 2002 (Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Gujarat, India)

Gopi Ramagopalan.

Completed Doctoral (PhD)

Reaction and separation process integration, 2001 (Professor, University of Texas A&M, Doha, Qatar)

Patrick Linke.

Completed Doctoral (PhD)

Automated design of flexible and operable heat exchanger networks, 2000 (Professor at the Thammasat University, Thailand)

Lalita Tantimuratha.

Completed Doctoral (PhD)