EERA JP Bioenergy

On 14th September 2016, NTUA was officially admitted as an Associate Member to the Joint Programme on Bioenergy of the European Energy Research Alliance, based on the merits of work already carried out or under progress at IPSEN and the good prospect of such work culminating into formation of an umbrella organisation for Bioenergy in Greece in the coming year.

NTUA is set to act as a gateway for EERA JP Bioenergy to Greece and vice-versa, thus engaging Greece and its bioenergy-related stakeholders, including research institutions, industry and professionals.

For more information on EERA JP Bioenergy, please visit its home webpage.

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For more information on NTUA’s involvement, please visit our Contact page.



EERA Bioenergy Newsletter Issue 7

EERA Bioenergy Newsletter Issue 6