BioIndustry 4.0

February 24, 2023

IBISBA will team up with ESFRI-landmark RIs such as Elixir, Mirri, BBMRI and DSMZ, innovative companies and several research groups in an ambitious 4-year work plan to encourage the adoption of advanced digital technologies in industrial biotechnology. These include innovative measurement devices for online monitoring, data management tools for data quality, open science, and AI learning to support bioprocess design.

BIOINDUSTRY4.0 will engage with a diverse community of stakeholders, especially industry, to co-design specific services to be well-aligned with stakeholder needs and thus be fit for use by RI users. In addition, BIOINDUSTRY 4.0 will train RI staff to deploy new services and ensure that users are well-acquainted with the opportunities offered by the project’s key developments.

The project has received 10M€ through the Horizon Europe framework programme and it started on 2 January 2023.

For more information please visit the Website:

January 1, 2023
Duration:4 years