June 7, 2017

The BIOPEN project aims at developing and maintaining an open innovation platform capable to involve industries, research centers and universities to share knowledge and stimulate joint development for new products and solutions in the bio-based markets.

BIOPEN ambition is to become a single voice for the bio-based industries in Europe, gathering expertise and promoting engagement and involvement of industry, researchers and academia at European and national level, by setting up an Openinnovation platform addressing strategic cross-cutting challenges such as:

  • clustering and networking to develop new value chains and favour the emergence of co-innovation partnerships across the value chains;

  • Stakeholders engagement and support with regards to setting-up at least 20 co-innovation partnerships alongside existing and new value chains;

  • creation of a knowledge centre collecting the prospective and insight of the community, and providing access to relevant information for markets and products innovations in the bio-based ecosystem.

For more information visit
Monday, May 1, 2017
Duration:2.5 years