Publication details

Title A Mathematical Programming Targeting Method to Select Treatment Technologies Ahead of Design
Document Type Article
Year 2015
Source Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, vol.37, p.1091-1096, 2015
Keywords Targeting; Wastewater treatment; Water Integration
Abstract The paper proposes a two stage mathematical programming approach for screening wastewater treatment technologies ahead of design, when the limiting concentrations and mass loads of contaminants for a set of water using operations are the only available data. The first stage of the methodology calculates the target for minimum fresh water flowrate further identifying the concentrations and the flowrates of the flows of the wastewater mains. The second stage selects the most effective treatment technologies and calculates targets for minimum wastewater treatment flows. The method is illustrated by a set of examples featuring the different aspects of the problem and characteristics of the solution. © 2015 Elsevier B.V.
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