The first Thematic Workshop οf Monday 29th – Tuesday 30th of January 2018 on Βio-products with packaging, coating, paint, varnish and adhesives applications has been cancelled.
New dates will be announced soon.
SusChem GR is seeking to discover the wants and the needs of the Greek industry (“Greek priorities”) with respect to research and development, so SusChem GR may assume effective action to include such needs in shaping R&D priorities at a European level and to help match the Greek priorities with forthcoming EU funding calls.
SusChem GR sees this as a bottom-up exercise, critically dependent on participation of staff from industry with significant subject affinity among them, who may convey their understanding of Greek priorities and discuss in some depth on them.
SusChem GR intends therefore to hold three Thematic Workshops in Greece, on specific horizontal areas of priority for the EU, starting from January 2018 and continuing through to March 2018. Each workshop will last for one or two consecutive days, will be cross-sectoral and each Workshop day will be devoted to a particular area of EU priority; in two-day Workshops, each of the two days will tackle thematically or sectorally related areas of interest. The morning of a Workshop day will convey information to participants on the general EU R&D Programme structure, areas of EU priority and funding mechanisms of the EU for the particular area of priority in discussion. The afternoon of the Workshop day will be interactive, with the help of a facilitator; participants will attempt to shape ideas and alliances for projects in the said priority area, where Greek players may lead or participate significantly.
Following the Thematic Workshops, a 2-day SusChem Greece Conference will be organised in Brussels to showcase the Greek-inspired project ideas, as shaped in the previous Thematic Workshops, with a view to attracting attention by players from other countries and the funding bodies of the EU. This is likely to take place in April or May 2018.