Eco-design, Agri-Bio-Industry Processes Event

February 2, 2016

IPSEN team is participating in the Eco-design, Agri-Bio-Industry Processes Event that will be held on 4th-5th February 2016 in Paris, France.

This workshop aims at clarifying and discussing the methodological and cognitive scientific stakes, related to the eco-design of the agri-bio-industry processes. Relevant tools for the environmental analysis of processes will be overviewed. Strategies to eco-design processes will be discussed, including process simulators taking into account environmental aspects, multi-objective optimization and decision support tools.

Significant time will be devoted to discussions in order to explore research needs able to knock down the barriers to eco-design agri-bio-industry processes. The working forces on the subject are strongly invited to participate in order to provide their contribution. Poster sessions are also scheduled as an opportunity to show research results and questions.

This workshop will also be an opportunity for European research teams to meet together and a COST network proposal will be an outcome of the workshop, to be submitted in 2016. As Europe is a driving force concerning the environmental questions, such a COST will make durable a network between involved teams on the subject, increase collaborations between the different teams, ensure their international visibility and be a place to create research consortiums for European projects.

With regards to these objectives, the workshop will include two parts:
– 4th of February: day of conferences, round tables and poster sessions to open up the discussions and the ideas
– 5th of February: half-day of work on the scope and the research questions to be dealt in the COST network.

For more information please visit