EURECHA 2017 Student Contest

October 9, 2016


This contest problem is open to Bachelor/Master/PhD level students.

The participants have approximately three months to prepare and submit solutions to the problem (see below) no later than December the 31st 2016, 23:59 CET. Solutions can be prepared by individuals or by teams.

The jury will select the best solution, based on technical excellence (i.e. cost effectiveness, energy efficiency, environmental impact, social impact, operability, flexibility, etc.), quality of the report and originality. The jury will take also into account the size of the team and its academic level (Bachelor/Master/PhD).

The Award includes:

  • One invitation to attend to the 27th ESCAPE, to be held in Barcelona, Spain, 1st – 5th October 2017 ( to get the award.
  • A money transfer of 1000 EUR, after the ESCAPE event, to cover the travel and accommodation expenses.
  • The publication of the selected solution at the EURECHA website.
The Student Contest Problem proposal can be downloaded HERE or visiting the EURECHA’s website.