Smart Cities

April 10, 2017

Characterized by determination, dynamism and cooperation spirit, the Networking Meeting between the Municipalities:




and Rafina-Pikermi

concluded in full success. The aim of the meeting was to enable the participating Municipalities to develop as Smart Cities within the wider region of Greece-Cyprus at the Southeastern corner of Europe. During the meeting there was representation from high-ranking Officials from the respective Municipalities and Municipal Councils.

The wide participation the presentations and discussion by the participants highlighted the necessity and vision of Local Authorities for a coordinated effort for the absorption and investment of available European funds.

Present at the meeting with respective welcoming notes were Mayor of Aradippou Mr. Evangelos Evangelides and Mayor of Nafplion Mr. Demetrios Kostouros.

The Mayors, Municipal Councillors and the high-ranking Officials of the represented Municipalities have reconfirmed the political willingness for the creation of an
inter-municipal cooperation through the approval from the respective Municipal Councils of all members of the Network of the signing of a related agreement that will establish a permanent strategic partnership allowing:

(a)    the common representation of the Municipalities members of the Network in European Programmes involving Greece and Cyprus but also in wider European Programmes

(b)   the representation at the European Association of Cities in Energy Transition “Energy Cities” and

(c)    the participation in International partnerships including partnerships with International investors such as European Multinational companies as also Multinational companies from third countries.

The Municipalities will strengthen their partnership by utilizing their communication channels thus achieving optimal results from their networking that will lead to the submission of new project proposals and the exchange of best practices. The inter-municipal partnership will be studying, developing and submitting common proposals on the basis of the Policies promoted by the European Commission within the thematic framework of Smart Cities and Communities.

The inter-municipal partnership of Smart Cities is estimated to be representing a population of approximately 120.000 Citizens.

Greeting and Invited presentation at the meeting was given by the European Association of Local Authorities in Energy Transition “Energy Cities” through the Energy Cities’ Representative Ms Blandine Pidoux.

Organizers of the meeting were Aradippou Municipality, the National Technical University of Athens and the Institute of Research and Training on European Affairs (IRTEA)

An impressive presentation was given by the invited Presenter to the meeting, the Multinational Chinese company Huawei , which has presented real applications of Smart City systems. The presentation was rich in information taken from the recent Huawei Forum 2017 which the organizers of the meeting had participated.

The Municipalities presented their existing infrastructures and applicability of Smart City concepts including Harbor Applications with Smart Parking for large flows of travelers  (Rafina-Pikermi) and Energy, Education and Culture applications (Aradippou, Nafplion, Elefsina). Aradippou referred more specifically to its Smart Grid investment programme which is expected to exceed 50 million eur. Aradippou develops this programme in cooperation with the Co-operative Central Bank, the Larnaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Electricity Authority of Cyprus. Special reference was also made by Aradippou to the Educational Actions the Municipality develops in cooperation with the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute.