NTUA team participated in the 10th Panhellenic Conference of Chemical Engineering, on 4-5 June 2015, in Patras.
The Conference of Chemical Engineering is co organised every two years by the three Schools of Chemical Engineering (NTUA, University of Patras, and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), the Foundation of Research and Technology and the Chemical Process and Energy Resources Institute. This year was hosted by the University of Patras.
The Conference focused on the promotion of scientific areas of the Chemical Engineering, as well as on the strengthening of relations with the Industry. These objectives are reflected upon the choice of guest speakers as special sessions were organized focusing on industrial interest.
Alongside these activities, we found the opportunity to also discuss the current state and the future of education and employment of chemical engineering in Greece and worldwide, particularly under these current difficult conditions we are facing.
A link to the meeting’s website can be found here.