Workshop Safety and Sustainability by Design (SSbD)

November 27, 2024

The Greek National Technology Platform of Sustainable Chemistry (SusChem GR) and the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE) co-organise an informative day event entitled “Safety and Sustainability by Design (SSbD)”, focusing on three value chains of priority to Greece: (i) Construction Material Chemicals, (ii) Packaging Materials, (iii) Industrial Fragrances.  The event is set to attract business leaders, government and public administrators and the industrial technical world and includes a technical session per value chain, after an opening high -level discussion panel onThe Greek Chemical Industry in the double Transition Era”.

The event will take place at the Technical Chamber of Greece’s premises (TEE Amphitheatre, 1st Floor, Nikis 4, Athens, Greece) on Wednesday 11 December, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM CET.

A highlight of the event will be a High-Level Discussion focused on the Transition of the Greek Chemical Industry. This discussion will address the challenges and opportunities arising from the Double Transition Era, while exploring how the industry can leverage the new EU policies to ensure its prosperity and future growth.

The event will also offer the opportunity for discussions with representatives from industry, government, and academia. Key speakers include the President of TEE, the President of the Hellenic Association of Chemical Industries, representatives from the Board of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE)SusChem, the Industrial Technical Center for Plastics and Composites, the Association of the Greek Manufacturers of Packaging & Materials, as well as leaders from small and medium-sized enterprises like Nestlé Hellas, CHIMAR, EMC Skin Care, etc.

Additionally, experts from associations such as the Hellenic Coatings Associationthe European Federation for Construction Chemicals (EFCC), and the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) will also participate.

The technical body of the event aims at informing the Greek industrial research and innovation community about the Safety and Sustainability by Design framework, which is strongly promoted by the European Chemical Industry and the European Commission for the development of new chemical substances, materials and products and at inciting those present into constructive discussion.

The demanding SSbD framework is promoted as an answer to social demand for safety of people, circularity, raw material and energy efficiency, biodiversity protection, climate change mitigation and European industrial production stimulation.

You may find the tentative agenda here

Important Note:

Registration is free of charge but mandatory